Postdoctoral Position at University of California USA, 2 Positions

1. Postdoctoral Position at University of California at Davis
Nitrogen Cycling and Gene Expression

A postdoctoral position is available in plant-soil nitrogen relationships, to work on linkages between gene expression in plants, soil nitrogen availability, soil microbial nitrogen transformations, and implications for environmental quality and farm management. This multi-scale research will be conducted on organic farms near UC Davis in Yolo County, California.

Expertise in one or more of the following methods is desirable: plant or microbial gene expression, stable isotopes, nitrogen cycling, and/or characterization of soil microbial populations and communities. The project is an interdisciplinary effort to utilize plant gene expression as an indicator of nitrogen cycling on organic farms. Interdisciplinary collaborations will include faculty/staff in ecology, soil science, and GIS. Qualifications include a Ph.D. in plant science, genetics, biogeochemistry, ecology, or related field. Excellent data analysis, writing, and organization skills are required. The position is available for two years, starting as early as January, 2010. Salary is approx. $40,000/year, depending on experience. Funding is from a grant from the US Dept. of Agriculture.

2. Postdoctoral Position at University of California at Davis
Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change

A postdoctoral position is available to study adaptation to climate change in an agricultural landscape in California. The work will involve specific crop-water-supply-soil adaptation case studies, as well as integration with faculty in economics, anthropology and land use planning, and involvement with stakeholder groups to gather biophysical and socioeconomic information.

Expertise in one or more of the following methods is desirable: geography, agricultural ecology, soil science, water resources/hydrology, GIS, and or environmental economics. Qualifications include a Ph.D. in soils, hydrology, ecology, land use planning, agricultural/resource economics or related field. Excellent data analysis, writing, and organization skills are required. The position is available for 1.5 years, starting as early as January, 2010. Salary is approx. $36,000/year, depending on experience. Funding is from the California Energy Commission.

To apply, send by mail or email, a complete CV, a short summary of research interests and experience, unofficial undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and names and email addresses of three references to: Prof. Louise Jackson, Dept. of Land, Air and Water Resources, Univ. of California, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616.
Our lab website is .

For questions, call 530-754-9116 or send an email to

Application review will begin October 30, 2009 and will continue until the position is filled.