Master Scholarship for Biological Engineering di INHA University
Kami, PT. Cheil Jedang Indonesia adalah sebuah perusahaan PMA-Korea yang memproduksi Lysine, Threonine dan MSG. Saat ini kami sedang mempersiapkan tenaga muda professional di bidang Research & Development untuk menjadi tenaga ahli masa depan. Untuk tujuan tersebut, kami mengadakan Program Beasiswa dengan detail sebagai berikut :
1.Bentuk :
- Beasiswa kuliah S2 (master) pada jurusan Biological Engineering di INHA University — Korea Selatan, selama 2 (dua) tahun terhitung mulai April 2009.
- Biaya administrasi (pengurusan passport, visa, dll.) serta biaya hidup selama di Korea ditanggung oleh CJ Group.
- Ikatan dinas dengan CJ Group.
- Ikatan dinas pertama selama 1 (satu) tahun pasca kelulusan, akan ditempatkan di R & D Centre CJ Group di Korea.
- Sisa masa ikatan dinas akan ditempatkan di CJ Group Indonesia (pabrik PT CJI Pasuruan atau Jombang).
2.Sasaran / Persyaratan :
- Lulusan S1 tahun wisuda 2008 dari perguruan tinggi negeri terkemuka.
- Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Mikrobiologi atau Biologi.
- IPK minimal = 3.00 ; Belum menikah ; Usia maksimal 25 tahun.
- Bersertifikat nilai TOEFL minimal 400.
- Familiar dengan bahasa Korea menjadi suatu nilai tambah.
Keterangan selengkapnya mengenai perkuliahan dapat dilihat di website INHA University"> tentang 2009-Spring Admission for International.
Jika anda memenuhi persyaratan dan tertarik dengan tantangan tersebut, segera siapkan :
- Surat lamaran ;
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) lengkap ;
- Ijazah dan transkrip nilai ;
- Pasfoto berwarna ukuran 3 X 4 Cm = 2 lembar ;
- Nomor telepon / hand phone (HP) yang mudah dihubungi ;
- Dokumen penunjang lain yang relevan.
Cantumkan kode “IKATAN DINAS” pada sudut kanan atas amplop, dan kirim ke alamat :
Jl. Raya Arjosari, Kecamatan Rejoso, Kab. Pasuruan — 67181
Contact person : Kikit - (0343) 401231 ; email :
Surat lamaran sudah diterima HRD PT CJI paling lambat tanggal 18 Oktober 2008. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat akan dipanggil untuk proses seleksi berikutnya.
Beasiswa Korea Lainnya (Tidak ada Hubungannya dengan Beasiswa di atas :
Korea - Korea Institute of Science and Technology IRDA Program for Master and PhD Students
Openings: International Research and Development Academy (IRDA) Program for Master and PhD Students
Institution: Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul
Laboratory: Complex Fluids Research Lab, Energy and Environment Division
Supervisor (Principal Research Scientist): Dr. Myung-Suk Chun
Project: Micro-Biochip (Lab-on-Chips) for Nano-Bio Technology and Complex Fluids
The Complex Fluids Lab at KIST is currently recruiting two students of either Master or PhD course within the framework of the IRDA program. Regarding this program, please visit website at:http://irda.
The candidate is expected to have a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degreein chemical engineering, physics, chemistry, applied mathematics, and adjacent engineering science fields. Good knowledge of the English language is necessary.
Research areas comprise different fields of the Micro/Nano Technology, for which there are two projects as follows.
Project I: Micro-Biochip Based on Micro/Nanofluidics for Micro Total Analysis System
Typical topics are i) design and MEMS fabrication of Lab-on-Chips for analysis and separation of various kinds of colloids and biomolecules such as proteins, ii) visualization or imaging in micro/nanochannels by either fluorescence microscope or atomic force microscope, and iii)Electrokinetic Microfluidics for electrophoresis and streaming potential processes.
Project II: Molecular Simulations of Complex Fluids System
Typical topics are Conformation and Diffusion Properties Using Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics, Brownian Dynamics, and their Hybrid Simulation, Long-Range Interaction, Many-Body Interaction, and Rheology of Colloid, Suspension, and Polyelectrolytes.
For applications, please send a CV and lists of two references directly to Dr. Myung-Suk Chun (
Phone: +82-2-958-5363
[Korea] Scholarship for MS Students in Computer Science-Korea University
Korea University embraces the challenges of the 21st Century by building new bridges across old boundaries. These bridges include new educational programs that stress multiple majors and interdisciplinary studies; strategic partnerships with private and public R&D centers that pool resources and promote innovative research; and new international relationships that bring Korea University students together with students, faculty and programs of other leading universities around the world. Aggressive investments in new research facilities, information systems and infrastructure give these bridges the strength and flexibility to extend far into the next century.
Today, Korea University is ranking top 150 in world, top 14 in Asia and 2nd best in South Korea. Our , Department of Computer Science and Engineering, which was founded in 1984, is now training high-quality human resources in computer research and industry field, furthermore leading domestic info-generation technologically, and studying world class of research in computer science.
We are now recruiting Master students (with IITA Korean Government scholarship) who will be active in research projects of both theoretical and practical character. The main focus will be on wireless sensor networks, Ubiquitous Computing Networks and s. The main application areas are object tracking in wireless sensor networks, RFID middleware, and security issues in WSN, depending on the interest of the student. Students who have experience in programming and especially have hand on experience in simulation will be preferred.
Interested s-tudents , contact me with their CV as soon as possible. so we can send them applications form and futher documents.
1. 100% tuition fee discount for one year (Korea University scholarship)
2. 75% tuition fee discount for one year (Korea University scholarship)
3. IITA Korean Government scholarship ( 800,000 won , around 800 US$ per month) for two years
Please send your CV, before 25 March 2008 to
Ali Kashif Bashir.
PhD. Student / RA
Internet Computing Lab
Asan-Science Building. Room #221
Dept. Of Computer Science,
Korea University, 5ga, Anam-Dong, Sungbuk-Gu, Seoul, Korea 136-701
Beasiswa S2 Korea dari PT Cheil Jedang Indonesia