Beasiswa dari Bank BCA dan GE Foundation

Scholarship from Bank BCA

Beasiswa untuk Mahasiswa ( Semester 4 )

BCA established the work was the same as 16 universities and the foremost institute in Indonesia and gave the student's duty to 138 students from these tertiary institution agencies.

These agencies were :
- The Gajah Mada University
- The Indonesian university
- Diponegoro University
- Airlangga University
- Institut Pertanian Bogor
- Institut Teknologi Bandung
- The Sanata Dharma University(Yogyakarta)
- STIE Malang Kucecwara
- The Atmajaya University(Yogyakarta)
- The Institute of Teknologi Nasional Malang
- The Petra University
- The Surabaya University
- The Jendral Sudirman University
- The Widya Mandala University(Surabaya)
- The Padjajaran University

The Condition (syarat) :
1. The level student of the scholar (S1) ( Mahasiswa s-1)
2. Aged the maximum 21 years
3. did not yet marry (belum menikah)
4. already in the IV semester ( semester 4)
5. had Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 3.25
6. was not accepting the student's duty from the source or the otherinstitution

For more information Click here



Beasiswa Mahasiswa semester 3

The scholarship of GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program was offered to the students S1 in Indonesia, that was given from the semester of three up to the semester of eight.The condition :The student S1 from ITB, ITS, UGM, UI, UNAIR, UNDIP, UNIBRAW and UNPAD; in one of the routes along with: Economics (Accountancy, Studi of the Development, Manajemen), MIPA (Physics, Kimia, Matematika), Komputer Knowledge, Ilmu Lingkungan, Teknik (Electrical Engineering, Teknik Fisika, Teknik Industri, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Komputer, Teknik Lingkungan, or the Mesin Technique)- IP the I semester and II minimal 3,0 (the scale 0-4)- Be Aktif in the student organisation or the social activity lainnya- had the English capacity that baik- came from the family not mampu- was not accepting the scholarship from the institution/the other sponsor.For more information click here